Friday, February 19, 2010

Free Car Insurance Quotes Help Motorists Prepare

By John Bellafonte
Accidents happen. This is an unavoidable fact of life for any individual, particularly drivers. When operating a motor vehicle not only is the driver at risk but those with and around him as well. Free car insurance quotes help you prepare for that fateful day when an accident happens and you will be ready for it with the proper coverage.

Any one who drives and owns a car needs car insurance, and this is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Not only is it the law in most places and by not having it you risk tickets and fines, it is just good common sense. Car insurance protects not only you but the people around you and their vehicles as well.

While car insurance is a requirement in many states, not everyone feels the need to have it for much longer than registering the vehicle. With the economy the way it is, some may choose to forego keeping up with that in lieu of paying utility bills or other daily household expenses and simply hope when they are on the road, nothing bad happens. This is probably not the wisest decision they will ever make.

Obviously, this is a dangerous and unnecessary attitude. A quick glance at contemporary television makes it glaringly apparent that every insurance company offers the most affordable coverage on the market. Car insurance commercials are hard to miss and every company claims to be the best.

While this is a nice thought, it is very far from the truth. Only one provider can have the absolute lowest rate, but is that low rate the coverage that is needed? Car insurance is like off the rack clothing, designed to fit a wide range of people, but what fits one may not be right for another.

With all these things in mind, the amount of coverage needed may not match up to the amount of money that is willing to be spent on car insurance. Here is where free car insurance quotes come into play. These allow an individual to shop for exactly the coverage they want at a price they can afford and by doing this online, this can all be accomplished quite easily.

Almost all of the big insurance companies offer some kind of quote service on their websites. These free car insurance quotes can be customized to fit any driver’s needs and can be gathered from many different websites. Some of the larger ones even offer a multiple quote option giving you prices from them and a few of their competitors.

Sites that offer multiple quotes are a great option because they cut down on the overall amount of sites that will need to be visited. However, gettign quotes from individual sites is also very useful. Each of these quotes leaves nothing to chance as to the coverage being provided for the quoted price. They will be much more detailed and have first hand knowledge of what you are asking for, if it is provided by their company and to what extent.

There was a time when car insurance quotes cost money and people felt trapped by only being able to choose from one or two providers. That time is long gone with the advent of the Internet and the many providers offering free car insurance quotes. A little time and effort will allow you to find what is needed at a reasonable price.

Want More Free Information Catch free car insurance quotes now and find information for car insurance quotes at:

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Student Consolidation Loans: The Solution To Cash Flow Problems

Student Consolidation Loans: The Solution To Cash Flow Problems
by: Devora Witts

Sometimes, what makes student debt so frustrating is the fact that if one did not have to pay so much money on interests, the income would be good enough to cover all the other expenses. In other words, the interests on debt prevent students from having a good standard of living and enjoying their youth.

It does not seem fair that one should have to cut on recreation expenses due to high and sometimes abusive interest rates. If this also forces students to cut one essential expenses such as food, transportation, studying material, etc. the whole point of student financing becomes just an excuse for exploitation.

Cash Flow Explained

What high risk lenders and credit card dealers that charge interests rates over 18% take advantage of is the fact that most students have cash flow problems. A cash flow interruption takes place when for some unexpected expense, a student has to spend all the cash he has for everyday transactions and has to seek finance. If the income-expense ratio is too tight, debt will start accumulating and this vicious circle will go on till an extraordinary income solves it or till the person is forced to fill for bankruptcy.

There is a simple way to prevent this problem; you need to have a contingency savings amount ready to cover for unexpected events and an income-expense ratio that will let you rebuild this quantity in just a couple of months. Saving 20% of your overall earnings is a smart thing to do; you can destine half of it to build the contingency funds and the other half for leisure expenses.

How To Solve Cash Flow Problems

If the cash flow interruption has already forced you to become increasingly indebted, there is a way of considerably reducing the incidence of debt interests in your budget. To do so you need to combine debt consolidation with a reduction on your expenses. With a student debt consolidation loan you will be able to reduce the amount of money you pay on interests and with a reduction on your other expenses you will be able to destine a higher amount of money to paying off the loan's principal in order to hasten your debt reduction process.

This combined effort will soon show its effectiveness as you will notice how the amount of money you pay on interests is progressively reduced and you will be able to retake all the non essential expenses you had to cut in order to get out of your debt problem. By then, the sacrifices you had to make will become praiseworthy.

How Student Debt Consolidation Loans Work

Student consolidation loans are granted with the sole purpose of repaying as much debt as possible. Since the interest rate charged for a consolidation loan is significantly lower than the average interest rate of student debt, the monthly installments will be considerably lower than the combined payments of the paid off loans and credit cards. This not only will reduce the debt burden but it will also save you thousands of dollars that you will be able to use for other important purposes.